Sherry Bouquet - Fostering Family Ministries
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Sherry Bouquet

Sherry's Blogs

3%, 31%, or 66%

A study conducted recently revealed that among practicing Christians 3% are foster parents. Another 31% have seriously considered fostering. And what about the 66%? If everyone of the remaining 66% committed to doing their part in supporting the mini
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What is the best way to lead people to serve?

"Invite people to join you!" according to Phil, a lay leader at a partner church in Wayne Co shared this touching story at our Wayne Co. More than Enough Lunch. He received a need request for a family from Wayne Co Children Services. His church, Connection Church, had the resources to meet the need.
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Christmas Newsletter 2023

Our FFM Christmas Newsletter and year highlights
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At 17 she has no place to go

That is the reality of the staggering statistic: 70% of human trafficking victims have experienced foster care.Last week, I sat in the local theater watching the true story, Sound of Freedom. I thought about this statistic and how the
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A Father to Carry Me

A friend in college had an extraordinary intimacy in prayer with her Heavenly Father. As she prayed I felt if I peeked I would see Abba Father God bending near. That relationship was formed through the valley of difficulty. Her earthly father was
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The Power of Thank-You!

You may have been one of many who adopted a child in foster care this past Christmas. Or served a family over the past year. We receive many expressions of thanks from families who benefit from the time you invest to help lift the load of fostering.
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All I want for Christmas...

This time of year you often hear the words, "All I want for Christmas..." When we think about that question considering children and families in the foster care system it takes on a whole new meaning. Small things you and I
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I'll be home for...

...dinner ...Christmas. How you finish the sentence isn't as important as the destination...HOME. A place to belong, to be loved. The families pictured and others were honored for adopting kids that needed a loving home this past year.
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Are you made for home?

As I entered the venue a tall young man strode in my direction. With a broad grin he exclaimed, "Do you know how I am?" I recognized him immediately and was delighted to reconnect with a young man I first met as I served on a care team
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FFM Newsletter August 2022

Stories and updates from FFM
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And there was life...because of you.

This year we have had the blessing of beginning our Xander sensory stuffed animal distribution to children in foster care in 3 counties. Each time we have precious encounters with families and children in foster care. A foster family picked up a coup
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Stories behind the start

Behind this starting line amazing stories are unfolding. Parents teaching their children to support vulnerable children and families in foster care. Second moms and dads navigating serving children from hard places while holding a place for their first moms and dads.
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May is Foster Care Awareness Month

Throughout the month of May we will be sharing with you stories and inspiration from families and churches who are making a difference in the lives of children and families in foster care, unique ways you can express appreciation and pray for those in the foster care system.
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Are you Made for Home?

Every day families sacrifice to make a home for vulnerable children who are not safe in their own home. Each one of these children and youth were Made for Home by their Heavenly Father.We met some of those precious families, some are fostering, some
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Do you show or share your love?

The theme of February marketing in our local stores revolves around Valentine's Day. Do you focus on showing love to your family and friends or do you take the opportunity to share the love to others in need of encouragement? A recent testimony from
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This captured the essence of the season!

In one of our communities a young girl was being removed from her home three days before Christmas. The placement needed a twin bed and mattress. The request came from our Knox county agency through the CarePortal tool we use in Knox & Ashland. The bed and mattress was needed for a family in Richland county.
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Blessed Christmas News

Lights to hang, trees to decorate, cookies to be made, all the things to do. As you make all things merry and bright for the children or grandchildren, nieces, and nephews in your life, are you swirling in the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season? You may know that some children are not cared for or have a safe, loving home to celebrate Christmas in, but what can you do to help while you have so much to get done?
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Where were you when...

We used to refer to 9/11, then came 2020. After this past year we have a new landmark chain of events that resonate uniquely with each of us. The mark on our lives can be painful or filled with purpose...
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Are you being called to foster a child?

It was a joy to have once again the car filled with boys coming home from Sunday morning church. All of our children were off to college or living on their own...
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Give a H.U.G.

Today is National HUG day. Who would have thought a year ago this simple gesture would be so needed yet so neglected during a global pandemic? The power of physical touch is scientifically documented and deeply healing. While we haven't been a
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Were you out given this Christmas?

Did someone else give the biggest, the most unusual or the absolutely perfect gift this Christmas?
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Merry Christmas

This historic year has given us an unexpected gift. As the whole world screeched to a halt, while separated and stilled, we received a blessing. The value of one another, each of you, realizing that the best present is Presence. The presence of loved ones, and more importantly the Presence of our Heavenly Father.  
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Giving to You Tuesday

Christmas season carries more meaning coming on the heels of an unexpected year. We want to give you a gift to help your family celebrate Advent together.
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We are thankful for you!

Over the course of the challenges of this year, you personally experienced a glimpse of the stress of change and challenge on our foster children.
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She Said Yes!

As they hiked that mid summer day, along with their grown boys, an unexpected call came, repeatedly from an unrecognized number. Stopping to take that call would launch a journey which grew to impact another family in ways they never imagined!
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Stand Sunday Launch

Join Fostering Family Ministries churches and partners this Nov. 8th and honor the journey of foster children and families in our midst.
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Nothing happens by accident...

In the world of foster care it is often heartbreaking to hear the stories of children who come into care. Let me increase your faith by sharing God's hand in this journey of healing. A foster family decides they are willing to search out the best
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Is it Home Sweet Home?

Have you picked up a paint brush, a hammer or shovel around the house in the past few months. If so you join 70% of Americans who have found time during the slowdown of the pandemic to work on home improvements. From decks to remodeling to landscapin
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Is This the Home of the Brave?

Over 15,000 children in the state of Ohio are not home this July 4th. They bravely celebrate in foster homes, kinship (relative) homes and some in residential homes.
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Would you answer THIS call?

Your phone rings and the voice on the other end asks if you would take in four children who have been removed from their home.
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When "Safer at Home" is NOT the Case

Over the past several weeks we have seen our lives completely change. Many of us are now working from home or waiting for the word to return to work. Others are working hard on the front lines.
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For Such A Time As This

The COVID Crisis may have recked havoc on our "normal" but in its wake there are NEW opportunities to step up and serve creatively.
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It is Good because He is Risen

For all of us this Holy Week and Easter season has been celebrated in a most unusual way. Do not let the irony of our isolation be lost on us.
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Yes, you may need to start your day with a strong cup of coffee but you can do this! Many of our families are now adjusting to a new normal for the next couple of weeks.
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Your Service is Vital to Families

We have all been impacted by the current health crisis and the physical limits enacted for personal safety has changed the way we conduct everyday life.
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Let’s Thrive at Home

Yes, you may need to start your day with a strong cup of coffee but you can do this! Many of our families are now adjusting to a new normal for the next couple of weeks.
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Staying Safe While Serving

With school out of session it is vital we stay in contact with our kinship and foster families. They need to know we are caring for them during this anxious time. What an opportunity for the Peace of the Gospel to be lived out before them!
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Sack Lunch Miracles

It was my privilege last fall to attend the Brown Bag lunch meeting of some amazing people in Richland Co. who lead local churches and ministries. It was humbling to hear how God was at work in their midst.
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3 Ways to Share Some Love

Welcome to the team for those of you who are new church champions in 2020. We are excited to launch new churches, relaunch existing churches and expand to Richland County. God is on the MOVE!
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It’s a Wrap: Happy New Year!

As you close the door of the past decade and step into the next join with us to be thankful for all God has done in and through Fostering Family Ministries in 2019.
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Merry Christmas

God as a fetus. Holiness sleeping in the womb. The Creator of life being created...It all happened in a moment...a most incredible moment. The word became flesh.
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Please Give Voice To Children

You may have heard the old saying about children, "they should be seen and not heard." Did you know that there are children in our midst that are often NOT seen and NOT heard?
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We Give Thanks

Dear Friends,I wanted to take a moment to simply say thank you to every one of you that have said yes to vulnerable children in our community. A child's life has been changed because you have given in one of these ways.
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A God-Sized Stand

Now we know why it's called Boone and Me...this young man touched our hearts and his father's willingness to open his home and his heart was the sacrifice that gave Boone a chance to flourish.
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A Family Is...October Updates

After 10 foster homes by the age of 8, Boone was waiting to experience a place to call forever family. There are many children like him in our community who need a home for a season or need a home for a lifetime.
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The miracle of dogs?!

The sun shone brightly as the volunteers worked to put final touches on the outdoor activities for the family festival. Sounds like a typical summer day, doesn’t it?
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Fall Campaign

Do you feel like the only thing that makes the news is bad news? Well, this past week we all made some good news. It is beautiful when the Church works together to make a difference in our community.
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More than Enough

Ever wonder how your church is doing when it comes to engagement in foster care? Today is the day you find out.
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Is this the home of the brave?

Over 16,000 children in the state of Ohio are not home this July 4th. They bravely celebrate in foster homes, kinship (relative) homes and some in residential homes.
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Mothers, Fathers and Sacrifice

Did you send or receive a card or a call for Mothers or Fathers Day over the past two months? If you did chances are you helped to boost the phone traffic on Mothers Day to exceed every other day of the year around the world!
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Help Spread the Word

In our area, like most of the state, we have seen the number of children in foster care double in the last three years. Thankfully, we have also seen an increase in the number of foster families.
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Handwritten and Heartfelt

Handwritten and heartfelt. When was the last time you received a handwritten thank-you note...from a youth? If you are like the rest of the world those are becoming rare. We are blessed to receive such a note because of YOU.
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Remember Conversation Hearts?

What conversations have been spoken to your heart?
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Loving our Neighbors

Loving our neighbors. I have heard it said, your neighbor is not simply the person next door but the next person you meet.
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Twas The Week Before Christmas

...and all through the house. What is your house like this time of year for your family? Hurried and hectic or in holy anticipation? Or a little of both?
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Be a Holiday Hero

Be a Holiday Hero. You can be a Holiday Hero by joining our year-end giving campaign to help more foster children have a healing home in 2019.
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Happy Thanksgiving

A full house, an overflowing table are gifts to be cherished. In our area over 150 children are not in their own homes. Thanks to the many foster and kinship families have room for one or two or three more at their table today and everyday.
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Did You Stand Yesterday?

In support of over 150 children in 84 families in Ashland County alone, have you thought about one thing you can do to show God's love? You can show love by helping a family who is caring for foster children.
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