I can't foster, but I can... - Fostering Family Ministies
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I can't foster, but I can...

Sherry Bouquet May 24, 2017

I can't foster but I can...

You may not be able to open your home to a foster child but you can be a neighbor to a foster family. 

May is National Foster Care Month and a great time for you to show your love and support to a foster family. Here are five ways you and your church can be a neighbor to a foster family and their foster children.


Pray for the foster children who will sleep in unfamiliar beds tonight. Pray for foster parents who have volluntarily opened their homes for these hurting and broken children. Pray for healing. Pray for all who are making life altering decisions for the children have great wisdom and discernment. Pray for the church to practice true faith and care for these children.

Arrange meals once a week.

When foster families receive children into care, often they need to make appointments with dentist, eye doctors and pediatricians to get care caught up for the child. Add to that weekly visitiation trips and you have a hectic schedule. Just as many groups in your church provide meals to a new mother, a grieving family or a family with illness, a weekly meal goes a long way in helping a foster family.

Be a Foster Friend.

Get to know the foster family and their foster children. Offer to become a foster aunt or uncle or maybe a foster grandparent. Spend time with them twice a month will go a long way in helping these children heal and succeed.

Fund a need.

Foster children frequently arrive to the foster home with very little more than the clothes on their back. What do you do when you hear a newborn who wears premie clothes only has three outfits which means foster mom is washing them every day after a sleepness nights? You find a way to get that baby some more clothes! Either through your local church or through Fostering Famly Ministries you can make financial donations to help in these times of need.  

Spread the Word.

Churches want to help with the foster care crisis. Our foster children need them to help. Share this VIDEO resource from Fostering Family Ministries to help you church expand their vision and action to help meet the needs of foster families and their foster children. The best way you can help foster children is to support their foster family. Share this email. Ask your church to join in ministry to foster families. Fostering Family Ministries is here to help you get started today. 

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